Shout-Out - Mexico

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Salon ACME celebrates its 11th edition!

This 2024, Salón ACME will celebrate its eleventh edition from February 8 to 11 during the Art Week in Public Projects in Mexico City.

Salon ACME is an art platform created by artists for artists that gives visibility, promotion and dissemination to emerging creators. Since 2013, it has held ten editions and has positioned itself as one of the most authentic contemporary art events internationally, fostering new audiences and consolidating a community of artists, curators and collectors. Salón ACME has six sections: Open call, Bodega, State, Projects, Patio and Sala.


  • Open call 

The Open Call is the main section of the project and will present the work of 82 artists selected from more than 1,800 applications reviewed by a Curatorial Board that changes every year. Our call is open to artists of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds. This edition, the Curatoria Board is composed by Benedicta Badía, Darío Escobar, Pati Hertling, Anaïs Lepage, Alex Romero y Santi Villanueva.

Selected artists

Napoleón Aguilera, Hernan Aguirre, Autumn Ahn, Henna Aho, Aldo Álvarez Tostado, Enrique Argote, Nicola Arthen, Avantgardo, Sofía Bonilla Otoya, Luis Bravo, Rodrigo Cacho, Derzu Campos, Daniela Chaparro, Colectivo Raíz, Lucrezia de Fazio, Adeline de Monseignat, Cinthia De Levie, Clara de Tezanos, Yumnia Duarte, Azul Ehrenberg & Victoria Martínez, Gonzalo Fernández, Danilo Filtrof, Santiago Gómez, Andrés Gómez Servín, Antoine Granier, Bruno Gruppalli, David Guarnizo. Eugenia H. Ávila, Reiko Hamano, Kim Hankyul, Alan Hernández, José Hernández Luna, I-T-Z-E-L, Fi Isidore, Michelle Lee Johnson, Camila Lamarca, Carlos Adrian Lara Martínez, Samuel Lasso, Gabriel Lengeling, Catherine Anabella, Lie Martin Llavaneras, Alejandro Luperca Morales, Angel David Marcano, Otto Martin Moreno, Andy Medina, Omar Mendoza, Joshua Merchan Rodriguez, Ileana Moreno & Urmeer, Roger Muñoz Rivas, Rodrigo Navarro, Andrea Nones Kobiakov, Jose Manuel Oviedo Cruz, Elisa Pinto, Aria McManus, Humberto Ramírez, Cosa Rapozo, Maria Rasheed, Gustavo Rodríguez Valtierra, Felipe Rezende, Miguel Rodríguez Sepúlveda, Milagros Rojas, Jorge Rosano Gamboa, Ann Schnake, Carmen Serratos Chavarría, Ernesto Solana, Edgar Solórzano, Andrea Sotelo, Lisa Sudhibhasilp, Issa Téllez, Evelyn Tovar Toro, Anaís Tudón, Cristina Umaña Durán, Urmeer & Vanebon, Eduardo Vargas Rico, Jonathan Vásquez, Andres Vergara, Mariela Vita, waysatta, Marek Wolfryd, Stanislav Zábrodský.

  • State: Nuevo León

The horizon is not a straight line

Curated by Abril Zales

The State represented in this edition is Nuevo León, curated by Abril Zales. The horizon is not a straight line is a nod to the embodiment and materialization of artistic or contemporary practices of a landscape that is not flat, distant, calm or contemplative.

Artists: Gina Arizpe, Inés Bárcena, Paula Cortazar, Lucila Garza, Sandra Leal, Miriam Medrez, Raul Mirlo, Sol Oosel + Sites, Tercerunquinto, Renard, Calixto Ramírez, Oswaldo Ruiz, Tahanny Lee, Alejandro Zertuche.

  • Bodega: Night Garden

Curated by guadalajara 90210

 The exhibition is designed as a night walk in a pictorial garden. Taking the notion of displacement as the narrative plot of the museography, six cubes mark the space, obstructing the public’s view while simultaneously generating a temporality in which the pieces are revealed along the route. 

Artists: Lorena Ancona, Alicia Ayanegui, Celestial Briseda, Christian Camacho, Isa Carrillo, Omar Castillo Alfaro, Celeste, Darío Escobar, Mariana Garibay Raeke, Hernán Gonzalez, Rodrigo Hernández, Enrique López Llamas, Anuar Maauad, Chavis Mármol, Josué Mejía, Jonathan Miralda Fuksman, Roger Muñoz, Aurora Pellizzi, Andrés Pereira Paz, Cosa Rapozo, Gabriel Rico, Milagros Rojas, Guadalupe Salgado, Lucía Vidales.

  • Projects: How to work better

Curated by Ana Castella

27 rooms of Projects will be presented. On this occasion we have the participation of galleries and spaces from Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Canada and Mexico. The curatorial approach reviews How To Work Better by Fischli Weiss (1991) to analyze and question it in the current context of hyperproductivity and well-being. 

Artists and Projects:

  1. Álvaro Borborio x Proyecto H
  2. Victoria Núñez Estrada x Sala:GAM
  3. Esteban Leñero x CAL
  4. Lola Goldstein x Maria Casado Home Gallery
  5. Yvonne Venegas x Banda Municipal
  6. Margot Kalach x Patricia Conde Galería
  7. Magdalena Rantica x Diderot.Art México
  8. Stefan Rinck x Galería Alegría 
  9. Kristin Reger x Salón Silicón
  10. Liza Zaldivar x Koik Contemporary
  11. Román de Castro x Marchante 
  12. Ezequiel Black x Rosas Ek Balam 
  13. Javier M. Rodríguez x BASE Proyectos
  14. Ismael Sentíes x Proyecto Caimán
  15. Raúl Rebolledo x laNao
  16. Ruben Ulises Rodríguez x General Expenses 
  17. Raul Robledo x Daniela Elbahara Gallery
  18. Javier Morales Casas x SGR Galería
  19. Camila Buxeda x Adhesivo Contemporary
  20. El Pelele x Galería Sendros
  21. Daniela Terroba Schlam x Dahlia SL 
  22. Sandra de León Torres x Agencia de Arte 
  23. Alexander Wertheim x SAENGER Galería 
  24. María Fernanda Barrero x Artífice Gallery
  25. Mónica Figueroa x Unión espacio para artistas
  26. Andrea Martínez x Lateral
  27. Charlie Godet Thomas x ColectorPatio: Jerónimo Reyes Retana

A Fountain (different dissents)

Jerónimo Reyes Retana es the invited artist for Patio, who presents the proposal A Fountain (different dissents)  which seeks to open a space to think about the environmental and geopolitical implications embedded in a body of water in crisis that exists as a vehicle of (dis)connection between Mexico and the United States.

  • Sala: Delusional Matters

Curated by Terremoto 

Delusional Matters is a selection of books, independent publications, posters and other formats around critical, aesthetic and poetic thinking around the polyphonies that make up the social journey on our continent.


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