Roots & Culture, Chicago, Illinois, USA
August 1, 2020 – August 29, 2020
On view now-Forget Me Not, Forgive Me Not” with Caroline Liu & Moises Salazar. Curated by AMFM. We’re trying something new this month, an exhibition entirely viewable through our windows on Milwaukee Ave. So come on by anytime to check it out!
Caroline Liu and Moises Salazar explore concepts of fragmented identity and loss through vivid and loud displays of color. As both artists touch very deeply on the pieces of themselves forgotten or erased, this exhibition will shed light on overcoming disability, oppression, and stigma while juxtaposing traditionalism and futurism.
Caroline Liu is a painter, seamstress, and muralist living in Chicago, IL. 7 years ago, she experienced a severe concussion and her short term memory never fully recovered. Her work became a therapeutic practice for holding onto memories she’d otherwise forget, as well as a vehicle to explore her identity as a person with memory loss. She cultivates a mixture of happy and sad moments, fear, comfort, and intimacy all wrapped up in overtly saturated narratives.
Liu has a strong personal aesthetic and has exhibited work in galleries all across the Midwest and the Southwest. She has painted murals throughout the Chicagoland Area, as well as for large companies such as Adidas, Vans, and Goose Island.
Moises Salazar is a non-binary queer artist from Chicago. Being born queer and to immigrant parents has cemented a conflict within Moises Salazar’s political identity, which is the conceptual focus of their practice. The work of Moises Salazar is meant to showcase the trauma, history, and current state that undocumented immigrants and queer folk face. It is by examining the intersections of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, queerness and the United States history that Moises Salazar addresses the reality of the barriers that immigrants and queer individuals face with the intention to begin to dismantle the myths and stereotypes used to criminalize and dehumanize them.
Ciera Mckissick is an independent writer, curator, cultural producer, and the founder of AMFM. She is also the coordinator of Public Programs at the Hyde Park Art Center, and Communications Associate at Ox-Bow School of Art. She created
AMFM, originally a web magazine, as an independent study project in 2009 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she studied Journalism and Mass Communications. Her work since then often involves collaboration through supporting Black and brown artists, local arts organizations, and seeks to stimulate community engagement that’s driven by inclusivity, accessibility, intention, and care.
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