Shout-Out - Mexico

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PRRAS! & Frieda Toranzo Jaeger present the Blue Diamond Grant

An art and health grant that gives economic support to women artists with chronic diseases and/or in medical treatment in Mexico during the period of COVID-19.

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This initiative is promoted by visual artists Tamara Ibarra and Frieda Toranzo Jaeger through Prras!, an artivist collective that creates proposals to point out and improve the economy and work of women in the field of plastic and visual art in Mexico. BLUE DIAMOND questions the pharmaceutical economy of the individual physical well-being by proposing a collective effort to improve the condition of bodies in the community. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

How does Blue Diamond work?

Every Monday, from June 1st, a Blue Diamond Grant is given to an artist, which consists of a unique support of $10,000 Mexican pesos so she can manage her health expenses in the way she needs. At the same time, the award aims to stimulate the artists’ production of their work. The winners are not conditioned to give out receipts, nor work, nor any activity in exchange.
The selected artist of each week is chosen from a list of people nominated by fellow curators, artists and art school directors: Lorena Wolffer, Feminasty, Cristina Ochoa, Karen Cordero, Helena Chavez Mac Gregor, Paola Santoscoy, Karla Villegas and Laura Cortés. The jury is made up of international and national artists, Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, Ambera Wellmann, La bruja de Texcoco and Lauryn Youeden, who review the information sent by the nominees: artistic production, state of health, emotional situation, working condition and current economic solvency.

Only visual, plastic or related artists are considered because this is the field of action from which Prras! and the promoters of this project work, in addition to the fact that BLUE DIAMOND considers the characteristics of the economic circulation of this specific sector.
How many artists will benefit and when?

The current goal is to support 6 artists between June 1st and July 15th. The name of the first beneficiary has already been announced and her prize was transferred to her on June 1st.

In case of exceeding the goal of donations, the number of artists benefited will be expanded because many of the cases received are in advanced stages of sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, gynecological, rheumatic, cardiac, psychiatric and some of them require surgery in the medium term.

More information about how to support here.


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