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Camille Lavaud & Pamela Zeferino
April 1, 2016 – April 30, 2016

Every month Marginalia invites an artist, curator or project to provide a series of images that will serve as the background of Terremoto, in relation to their practice and current interests. At the end of each month, the identity of our guest is revealed and the whole series of images is unveiled.


Buscando Fantasmas [Looking for ghosts]

Even though ghosts are usually accompanied by long and complex stories, these generally reveal themselves as subtle apparitions, hidden in the shadows.

Camille and Pamela met on September 2015 and have exchange mails since then. Both of them worked for four months on their respective other side of the world as part of the program of residencies La Fábrica de las imágenes. Upon their returns, they noticed that the two of them had been interested in the relations between the architecture of the cities that lodge them and their stories, between that which façade’s materials tell and what they hide. During April, Terremoto has shown 30 images that document and join the processes of both artists in Mexico City and in Burdeos. Emphazising what has been found in the shadows of each metropoli, this remix intends to give hints of their exhibition Buscando Fantasmas, a project created in collaboration from the pieces and experiences resultant from their residencies.

More information: invisibles

*Buscando Fantasmas, IFAL Gallery, Río Nazas 43, on view through May 17.


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