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DiabloRosso, Panamá City, Panamá
April 14, 2018 – June 9, 2018
DiabloRosso presents io e io, a new solo exhibition by José Lerma. Drawing inspiration from his personal history, as well as historical figures and events, José Lerma incorporates research and an inventive approach to the traditions of painting and portraiture. Using a myriad of methods and alternative materials, Lerma’s gestures and depictions continue to unfold upon investigation. Finding ways within paint to collapse the historical and the personal.
Using the myth of Io and Jupiter as a point of departure, Lerma develops a body of work that touches on issues as varied as surveillance, mark making and the traditional relationship between artist and model. The resulting work is expressive, cartoonish, claustrophobic, psychologically loaded and middlebrow in his use of “tasteful” natural fiber carpets for supports.
Lerma’s work has been internationally recognized at solo gallery exhibitions; most recently at Andrea Rosen Gallery in New York, Kavi Gupta in Chicago, Xavier Hufkens in Brussels, Brand New Gallery in Milan, The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit and The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.
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