Blog - Chile

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"Al Aire, Libre", Chile, Chile
May 16, 2020 – May 17, 2020

Free, in the open air is a small gesture that alludes to the public, something that was lost in these days of isolation. Previously, connected to a movement of change, now spectators of a suspended space, postponed.

A public art project that occurred mostly during May 16-17, 2020. It consisted of an ephemeral exhibition in Chile of physical works that were connected under the spirit of the project but far from each other, in the context of the quarantine. A diluted exhibition, but one that connected the Chilean territory. Further, it includes a series of interviews to the participants who will talk about their practices and the works that were generated for the project. This project tries to focus on dialectical networks that reinforce the spirit of solidarity and aid to reconnect with public space.


Alexander Azukar, Álvaro Oyarzún, Ana Carolina Tapia, Ana Navas, Andrea Cifuentes del Río, Andrés Durán, Ángela Cura, Benjamín Ossa, Bernardo Oyarzún, Catalina Andonie, Claudia Müller, Claudio Correa, Constanza Alarcón Tennen, Cristian Inostroza, Cristóbal Cea, Dano Mozó, Daniel Reyes León, Danny Reveco, Delight Lab, Diego Santa María, Enrique Flores, Estela Ortíz, Flavia Contreras, Felipe Santander, Fernando Gómez Balbontín, Francisca Aninat, Francisca García, Francisco Belarmino, Francisco Peró, Gabriel Holzapfel, Gabriela Carmona, Gabriela Vizcarra, Gianfranco Foschino, Irene Abujatum, Javier Rodriguez, Javier Toro Blum, Jessica Briceño, Josefina Guilisasti, Juan Castillo, Juan Pablo Mejías del Pino, Juvenal Barría, Laura Ibáñez Kuzmanic, León & Cociña, Marcela Correa, Mariana Najmanovich, Mario Navarro, Maricruz Alarcón, Marisol Lara, Miguel Soto, Mil M2, Milagros Abalo, Milena Moena, Nicolás Franco Guzmán, Norton Maza, Pamela Iglesias Carranza, Paula Baeza Pailamilla, Paula Martínez Pastorino, Paz Errázuriz, Pilar Quinteros, Raimundo Edwards, Raúl Zurita, Rodrigo Arteaga, Rodrigo Castro Hueche, Sandra Radic, Sebastián Calfuqueo, Sebastián Mahaluf, Temet, Textileras MSSA, Trinidad Lopetegui, Valentina Maldonado, Victor Flores, Victor Hugo Bravo, Voluspa Jarpa, Ximena Zomosa.


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