Pablo Gaytán

Pablo Gaytán Santiago. The smoke man was born in Mexico City (1959), son of Ñuu Savi (Mixtec) migrants, he holds a Ph.D. in social sciences from UAM-X, autonomous videographer, urban chronicler, creactivist and suburban activist against the against the whitening by dispossession. Currently, together with his partner Guadalupe Ochoa are custodians of the InterNeta Audiovisual Archive. Memoria de las y los Invisibles.

She has published chronicles and essays in the magazines Vía Libre, Topodrilo, Generación, Metapolítica, Obra Negra, among others. His most recent bookzines are titled, Rebelar la Memoria. 100 years of the Revolutionary Union of Tenants. (InterNeta, 2022); Urbanitas, Blanqueamiento por despojo y movimientos en defensa del territorio.
(Editorial Común Itinerante/InterNeta, 2023) and The Transparent Generation. Transparent Generation. From Independent to Autonomous video. 1971-1994 (InterNeta, FOCINE, IMCINE).

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