viníciux da silva

Artist, researcher and translator. Graduating in Art History (UERJ), co-editor of Revista Insubmissas and author of Fragmentos do porvir (Ape’Ku, 2022). She writes about, teaches, and works in contemporary art and curating, radical black trans/transvestite thinking, black feminist epistemologies, and deviant anarchisms. His recent works include De bala em prosa: voices of resistance to black genocide (collectively authored book, Editora Elefante, 2020; finalist for the 63rd Jabuti Prize), “Barricadas para o fim do mundo” (a winning essay at the 4th essay contest of the serrote magazine, 2021) and FUGA INTERROMPIDA (performative program, 2021-). Her artistic practice articulates writing, performance and audiovisual around experimentation with friction materials, sounds and collective practices in the arts and cinema.

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