Luisa Villegas G. holds a Master in Art History and Visual Culture from UCM and MNCARS. Historian and visual artist from UNAL. She connects curatorial research processes, contemporary artistic practices and activist processes in exhibition projects and experimental research. She curated Alzar la voz (2022) & co-curated Resistir para existir: por la dignidad la palabra y la tierra (2021) at the Museo Casa de la Memoria; and ¿Qué hacemos aquí? Espacios alternativos de Madrid en el cambio de siglo (2020) at the MNCARS. She has written texts like “¿Opacar los bordes, reactivar la otredad? Curadurías críticas en la era de la diversidad”, in Posts 7, UDFQ, Quito (2021), among others. She is currently part of the Curatorial and Museography team of the Museo Casa de la Memoria, Medellín–Colombia, and of the transnational research platform Frente Sudaka.