Dreaming Together

Tiempo de lectura: 4 minutos

Editorial Letter

Fall 2024

There are connections that, no matter how hard we try to find, remain almost imperceptible to our colonized sensitivities. Sometimes, it is more than necessary to turn to self-archaeology to get closer to the points that make the connection between dreams, struggle, mental health, and the praxis of world-making possible

Here, rather than certainty, we are interested in building provocations, channels for experimentation and improvisation from the field of engaged imagination; acts of vandalism against our captured perspectives and sensitivities calibrated from a dis-feeling of this world. Is it possible to accompany each other through the conspiracy of realities involved from other planes outside the modern-colonial materiality that the world as we know it assumes? How many ways do we have to provoke dreaming without waiting for it to appear on its own?

From the Zapatista movement’s project of existence, the expanded permanence grid of the Palestinian people, through the persistence of the Yanomami people, and the community organizations resisting dispossession and ill-being in urbanized lands. The state terrorism promoted by neoliberal extractivist leftists and the right-wing forces strengthened through pacts that reorder the field of sensibilities and affections; dreaming as a counter-colonial technology.

To distinguish between dreaming and desire, allowing ourselves to reconnect with capitalistic unproductivity, returning to rest and self-care without resorting to individualistic narratives of competitiveness or the mediocrity spread by the happiness industry and its wellness factories. If dreaming has the capacity to sustain life, it is because it has space for multitudes, whose immensity overflows the limits of contained possibilities.

Where dreams allow us to imagine toward the demands of the present, offering up the powers that help us sustain life without neglecting the abandonment of it. A sort of dreaming where knives sometimes accompany us as weapons for self-care, sometimes helping us clear paths and feed ourselves.

We invite various artists and writers to discuss the possibilities of reconstructing memory, to delve into dreams and the ongoing Haitian revolution, to commemorate grief and its potential to call for collective experimentation, to reimagine aesthetics to set other precedents in a world in ruins, and to share tools for re-imagination and the praxis of emerging re-insistences


Fall 2024

There are connections that, no matter how hard we try to find, remain almost imperceptible to our colonized sensitivities. Sometimes, it is more than necessary to turn to self-archaeology to get closer to the points that make the connection between dreams, struggle, mental health, and the praxis of world-making possible

Here, rather than certainty, we are interested in building provocations, channels for experimentation and improvisation from the field of engaged imagination; acts of vandalism against our captured perspectives and sensitivities calibrated from a dis-feeling of this world. Is it possible to accompany each other through the conspiracy of realities involved from other planes outside the modern-colonial materiality that the world as we know it assumes? How many ways do we have to provoke dreaming without waiting for it to appear on its own?

From the Zapatista movement’s project of existence, the expanded permanence grid of the Palestinian people, through the persistence of the Yanomami people, and the community organizations resisting dispossession and ill-being in urbanized lands. The state terrorism promoted by neoliberal extractivist leftists and the right-wing forces strengthened through pacts that reorder the field of sensibilities and affections; dreaming as a counter-colonial technology.

To distinguish between dreaming and desire, allowing ourselves to reconnect with capitalistic unproductivity, returning to rest and self-care without resorting to individualistic narratives of competitiveness or the mediocrity spread by the happiness industry and its wellness factories. If dreaming has the capacity to sustain life, it is because it has space for multitudes, whose immensity overflows the limits of contained possibilities.

Where dreams allow us to imagine toward the demands of the present, offering up the powers that help us sustain life without neglecting the abandonment of it. A sort of dreaming where knives sometimes accompany us as weapons for self-care, sometimes helping us clear paths and feed ourselves.

We invite various artists and writers to discuss the possibilities of reconstructing memory, to delve into dreams and the ongoing Haitian revolution, to commemorate grief and its potential to call for collective experimentation, to reimagine aesthetics to set other precedents in a world in ruins, and to share tools for re-imagination and the praxis of emerging re-insistences