The premise of the short film presents a not-too-distant futuristic scenario in which humanity has managed to reach Mars, settle there, survive, and even build a civilization. However, there remains a crucial dependency on Earth’s resources: food and technology that arrive on the red planet every two years. This lack of independence from our home planet is evidenced by the distance from the fertility of our Martian soil and the scarcity of food outside the agricultural domes. In this context, the inevitable question arises: What would happen if the flow of resources from Earth suddenly ceased? What if the blue planet abandoned us all of a sudden, leaving us in desolate silence? Faced with these uncertainties, an existential dilemma arises: Would we choose to return to the shelter of our old home, or would we cling to Mars to avoid losing what has taken so much to build? And more importantly, would we be capable of adapting to this planet?