Tiempo de lectura: 1 minutos
Et al., San Francisco, California, USA
20 de mayo de 2016 – 25 de junio de 2016
You know what? If you partake in enough conversations nearby a water cooler, the difference between bassinets and bayonets becomes minimally grim. Any word can start a war. Raw and tart, I have a knack for words. Poetry can be profoundly nothing, like a «yeah, but.» But also, while you were talking shit at the mouth pisser, I decided to try to be reasonable. However, as I was once told while weeping on the wet concrete of a caged-in outdoor basketball court: «You can be as rational as you want, Keith. But sometimes things are just irrational.» And it’s like this: One time, I Google-searched how to avoid loneliness and I was directed to a hyperlink for careers at Google. Sometimes I think I really get irony. Other times, I just feel. So anyways, I’m from Pittsburgh, and iron works for steel. «Yeah, but…»
Courtesy of Et al., San Francisco
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