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Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, California, USA
8 de mayo de 2020
Otis College of Art and Design is pleased to announce the online launch of the 38th Annual Exhibition at The exhibition will feature new work from graduating seniors and graduate students highlighting projects within 10 academic departments throughout Otis. The virtual Annual Exhibition comes during this time of social distancing in which the College has pivoted to remote learning environments, with students and instructors completing online coursework using a variety of innovative methods and practices.
Historically, much of the Otis College campus has been devoted to a campus-wide Annual Exhibition, offering a chance to display some of graduating students’ best work in gallery-like settings—an introduction of them to the world not only as artists and designers, but as Otis artists and designers. In this move to a virtual gallery and exhibition space, Otis College will be able to showcase student work to an even broader audience than was possible with an on-campus event.
This year was to mark the first time the College’s annual Fashion Show was to be included during Annual Exhibition. Work from this year’s graduating Fashion Design class will be included in next year’s show in May 2021.
The online Annual Exhibition will provide a prominent platform for a rich, diverse body of student work to be showcased with the Otis alumni community and recruiters from the creative industries. Departments to be featured in the virtual galleries include Architecture/Landscape/Interiors; Communication Arts; Digital Media; Fashion Design; both BFA and MFA Fine Arts; Product Design; Toy Design; MFA Graphic Design; and MFA Writing.
As an example of how departments have pivoted for this undertaking, for the past 18 years Architecture/Landscape/Interiors graduating seniors have designed, fabricated, assembled, and installed unique design/build environments for the Annual Exhibition. Prior to Otis’ campus closure, 2020 graduating seniors had completed most design and documentation components necessary for the physical installation, including ordering 109 sheets of plywood that they had already moved and staged in preparation. “Since lock down, seniors have transformed their installation into a fully-detailed and rendered digital model and walk-through video of their design, ‘DEEP-END’, that our guests will be able to experience virtually, for many years,” says A/L/I department chair Linda Pollari.
Ahead of the launch of the Annual Exhibition site will be an online launch of eight thesis shows from graduating MFA Fine Arts students on May 1. These exhibitions are currently available to view at the following link:
Current work includes presentations by Kyle Schwingel, Ally Wallace, Nefertiti Jenkins, Chris Stoltz, Christina Rankin, Claire Sun, Miguel Hernandez and Chuanyuan Song. On May 8, exhibitions by Maria Laura Hendrix, Bria Goodall, Cassia Reynolds, Derek Prado, Mirena Kim, Danny Kadum, Ameera Daaood, Xiaoxiao Wu and Justin Nunnally will also go live.
Otis College’s successful transition to fully remote learning environments has been enabled through its pioneering Teaching and Learning Center, from which all academic departments are assisted by a full-time staff of instructional designers. Advocating Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a set of principles for incorporating learners’ diverse needs into one’s teaching practices, UDL has been an essential part of the development of several eLearning courses at Otis College for over 10 years, providing an advantageous framework during this crucial time.
ETIQUETAS: 38th Annual Exhibition Ally Wallace Ameera Daaood Bria Goodall California Cassia Reynolds Chris Stoltz Christina Rankin Chuanyuan Son Claire Sun Danny Kadum Derek Prado Justin Nunnally Kyle Schwingel Los Angeles Maria Laura Hendrix Miguel Hernandez Mirena Kim Nefertiti Jenkins Otis College of Art and Design USA Xiaoxiao Wu
Constanza Medina Ávila
Fotografías, vídeos y objetos que conforman la impronta de algunos de los performances de lx artista Lechedevirgen fueron presentados en «Actos de desobediencia», exhibición individual de lx artista, docente e investigadorx queretanx dentro de la galería Libertad (Julio-Agosto 2024), venganzas simbólicas tejidas a través de distintas complicidades.
Joselyne Contreras Cerda, Sebastián Vidal Valenzuela, Diego Parra Donoso
Insistir, la colonización de la sensibilidad sostiene las múltiples formas del fascimo, sea desde el fascismo nacional hasta las dictaduras militares. Insistir. A propósito de los casi 51 años del golpe de Estado en Chile, recordamos PRESENTE en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (CL) curada por Joselyne Contreras Cerda, Sebastián Vidal Valenzuela, Diego Parra Donoso, exposición colectiva transgeneracional que enunció la relación del arte y sus implicaciones políticas desde septiembre de 1973.
danie valencia sepúlveda
Esta es la primer entrega de «Cartografía sentimental de la brutalización en curso», propuesta de agitación editorial para los tiempos convulsos que atraviesan nuestras sensibilidades anestesiadas.
Uriel Vides Bautista
El curador e investigador Uriel Vides Bautista nos invita a problematizar los límites discursivos del arte y la inteligencia artificial, elementos que atraviesan Trashumancia, del colectivo multidisciplinar MUXX. Inaugurada el pasado 19 de junio en el Laboratorio de Arte Alameda estará siendo activada por una serie de eventos que componen el programa público hasta el 25 de septiembre.
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