Shout-Out - Mexico

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MUTUA: Experimental Community of Art and Feminist Knowledge

An online platform for artistic and pedagogical experimentation, located at the crossroads between feminist practices and digital methodologies


For more information:
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From a horizontal logic for the exchange and collective generation of knowledge, we work on amphibious practices that embody and bring the affective into play, while challenging conventional educational systems and their power hierarchies.

MUTUA is a coalition of art and culture-makers established in 2020 to face the challenges brought about by the pandemic and wager on other ways of living in the world to come, composed by Cerrucha, Lorena Wolffer, Magali Lara, María Laura Rosa, María Minera, Mónica Nepote, Mónica Mayer and Vivian Abenshushan.

We believe in other forms of knowledge introduced by feminist epistemologies, situated thought, collaboration and care. We are certain that sharing artistic practices amongst ourselves and with others has the power of becoming an experience of radical imagination for the configuration of other worlds. MUTUA speaks mutable, symbiotic, insubordinate, non-normative languages. We propose a series of laboratories that cover different experimental art practices and their possible intersections with other fields and activisms. From an intersectional feminist perspective, we are positioned in the global south and rooted in ideas and proposals produced from and in Latin America and the Caribbean.

MUTUA will open its virtual doors this coming August with both critical and artistic doings laboratories of different durations.

Each laboratory has a cost of $2500 pesos with the possibility of grants and discounts that you can explore here.


Herramientas I – Despatriarcalizar el archivo [Tools I – Depatriarchalizing the Archive]
Starts August 2, 2021

Each session will be organized around one or more points of the Manifesto to Depatriarchalize the Archive, made collectively from the knowledge shared within the group. Thus, methodologies from feminisms will be addressed to deal with family archives, erasures and deletions, the body as an archive and the archive as a body, the multiple voices and affects that inhabit the archives, among other lines of work.

Las observadoras – Mónica Nepote
Begins August 3, 2021

Las observadoras [The Observers] proposes to be not only a reading, observation and thinking workshop, but also a pollination system that extends the metaphor to visual and written language, to dialogue and to the agreement or incorporation of practices that materialize affective links with the environment and project futures of multiple alternatives, diverse and in resistance to those that the dominant system wants to impose on us.

Laboratoria de Arte y Género – Lorena Wolffer
Starts August 4, 2021

The Laboratoria de arte y género (LAG) [Art and Gender Lab] is an intersectional transfeminist platform for the development of artistic projects of social interaction by, with and for women, feminized bodies and people of gender-dissidence.

More info here.


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