Shout-Out - Mexico

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Materia Abierta 2022


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Under the title The Rise of the Coyote, the program will take place in person in Mexico City from August 1 to August 28. The faculty includes Calpulli TecalcoBlack Quantum FuturismPaula Gaetano AdiLaboratorio LacustreMichael MarderChakanetsa MavhungaMujeres de la TierraPedro Neves Marques, and Fernando Palma Rodríguez.

Curatorial text:

Since the famous 1972 satellite visualization of Earth, The Blue Marble, we have engaged in a view of the planet where Earth has been treated as an image, as W.T.J. Mitchell explained. As a result, entering any physical space is like entering a virtual picture where we are only characters on a preconceived stage. Sociologist Rolando Vázquez also wrote about the impact that this photograph, taken by the crew of Apollo 17, has had on our experience of the planet:

This photograph accomplishes the renaissance geographers’ dream of reducing planet Earth to an object of representation; it is a moment in which the anthropocentric gaze achieves, as it were, its historical completion, the absurdity of its totality. […] ‘‘Blue Marble’’ comes to signify the transmogrification of Earth into an object of appropriation, representation, consumption, and waste. It signifies the forgetfulness of earth as grounding precedence.

Following Vázquez’s assertion about the loss of land rootedness and situatedness, The Rise of the Coyote is an invitation to come back to Earth. Alluding not only to a renewed perspective on the planet, but to a larger planetary consciousness, our return requires entering into entangled relationalities of mutuality and co-adaption both with the multiplicities of the soil as interdependent organism and with the communities, grassroots organizations, and bodies that carry out these relationships through quotidian acts of care.

Taking as a point of departure a critique of the self-proclaimed universality of Western technology, this program seeks other paradigms of technological knowing and doing. By contesting Western technoscientific declarations, our exploration will start from local approaches of Indigenous technologies and their sociotechnic expressions that hold a capacity to “cultivate life.” This planetary consciousness delineates narratives and experiences that resist extractivism and extinction, proposing renewed or repaired relationships for our communities and for our bodies. It enables, in short, the end of the one-world narrative encapsulated by the image of the Blue Marble, while simultaneously reorienting us toward frameworks for worlding the world.

The Rise of the Coyote employs Nahua artist Fernando Palma Rodriguez’s celestial and cyborg figure, the Aztec deity Huehuecoyotl, also known as the old coyote. Huehuecoyotl has the capacity to navigate a great number of varied and contradictory worlds and ecosystems. As a trickster of infinite interchangeability, this character stands in as a form of becoming our animal, plant, and sentient other, allowing us to access intersubjective relations within the multiple worlds that we inhabit.”

—Sara Garzón, Curator of Materia Abierta’s 2022 edition

Materia Abierta is developed with the support from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in coordination with Cultura UNAM, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), Casa del Lago UNAM, and Cátedra Extraordinaria Max Aub, Transdisciplina en Arte y Tecnología.

For more information visit and follow @materiaabierta on Twitter and Instagram.


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