Reading time: 1 minutes
Lawndale Art Center, Houston, Texas, USA
March 17, 2017 – April 22, 2017
One Stone and the Rain takes CORE Critic-in-Residence Laura A. L. Wellen’s 2016 essay of the same name as its departure point to consider contemporary artistic practices that pair the natural environment with a politics of contemporary life in Guatemala. Twenty years after the armed conflict ended there, a new generation of Guatemalan artists are looking to physical elements (including water, stone, earth, and wind) as active participants in their work. Placing value and knowledge in these elements, these artists embrace the movement and change they embody. By avoiding a certain fixity, even in how we comprehend, experience, and process violence of the past and present, the exhibition argues for finding knowledge in sites, processes, and materials of the earth. One Stone and the Rain includes bilingual (Spanish and English) exhibition text, and videos, performance documentation, and photographs by artists Hellen Ascoli (Guatemala City), Edgar Calel (Comalapa), Manuel Chavajay Moralez (San Pedro La Laguna), Jorge de León (Guatemala City), Reyes Josué Morales (Totonicapán), and Julio Serrano Echeverría (Quetzaltenango/Guatemala City).
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