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M.A.P.A. (Modos de Ação para Propagar Arte) presents "No Calor da Hora"

São Paulo, Brazil
August 31, 2020 – October 25, 2020

Faced with a pandemic that makes the fragility of the Brazilian democratic process even more evident, the M.A.P.A.—Modes of Action to Propagate Art—launches its first ever edition with the show In the Heat of the Moment on August 31st bringing art to the public space and provoking reflections through art about social and political chaos.

27 artists whose work derive from multiple paths—such as visual arts, cinema and literature, among others—will occupy 27 billboards in each of the country’s capital cities [1]. Each artist, based on their own practice, will present a piece that problematizes the urgent questions of the present. One of the guiding principles for the invitation was diversity, both in terms of research and in terms of representativeness of the country’s many regions. “We seek to contemplate the plurality of contemporary art in works that mainly address issues related to fundamental themes of the present. Thinking that the public space is ultimately a place of diversity, divergences and debate.” says Patricia Wagner, curator of the exhibition.

The idea of using the urban space as a field for reflection stems not only from the suspension of access to cultural institutions in the country, but also from the impossibility of collective manifestations in public spaces and the latent desire to make art accessible to a wider audience. The decentralized character of the show aims to encourage a shift in the artists’ place of promotion, speech and dialogue, thus opening up their work to novel readings.

“Our projects have always been designed to insert art into everyday life, making it possible for it to penetrate people’s lives in different ways. But there was always a desire to work on a larger and more plural scale, to access different audiences” says Camilla Barella, partner at VIVA Projects alongside Cecília Tanure, creators and organizers of the project. “Many questions about our civil responsibilities are discussed through art, but often in environments with restricted access, whether by geographic reasons, intellectual reach or economic power,” she concludes.

Participating artists are André Komatsu, Aline Mota, Anna Costa e Silva, Anna Maria Maiolino, Arnaldo Antunes, Augusto de Campos, avaf, Dalton Paula, Gê Viana, João Pinheiro, Karim Ainouz, Leonora de Barros, Paulo Bruscky, Paulo Nazareth, Ricardo Basbaum, Romy Pocztaruk, Santídio Pereira, Sonia Gomes, Traplev, Thiago Honório, Vera Chaves Barcellos.

The exhibition will be divided into 4 cycles, starting in 6 capitals, for 15 days, until completing the total of 27 capitals. Concurrent with the exhibition on the billboards, the works will also be incorporated into the project’s virtual platform.

Cycle 1 (from 08/31 to 09/13): Rio Branco / Curitiba / Vitória / Salvador / Cuiabá / Brasília

Cycle 2 (from 09/14 to 9/27): Manaus / Goiânia / São Luís / Fortaleza / Belo Horizonte / Belém / João Pessoa

Cycle 3 (from 28/09 to 11/10): Recife / Teresina / Rio de Janeiro / Natal / Maceió / Porto Alegre / Campo Grande

Cycle 4 (from 12/10 to 10/25): Porto Velho / Boa Vista / Florianópolis / Osasco / Aracajú / Palmas / Macapá

VIVA Projects is an agency that produces contemporary art content, projects and consultancy. Led by Camilla Barella and Cecilia Tanure, VIVA creates experiences and generates intersections between artists and individuals. VIVA works with people, companies and institutions that seek to interact, collaborate and expand their universes with culture and art. In their projects they have already collaborated with artists such as: Ernesto Neto, Dominique Gonzales Forster, John Baldessari, Paulo Pjota, among others.

Patricia Wagner is an independent curator and master in Visual Poetics at ECA-USP. Wagner develops curatorial and research projects in the visual arts area, with an emphasis on contemporary production, acting mainly on themes related to memory, history and temporality. Wagner has curated solo and group exhibitions in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.


  1. As an exception, due to legislation, in São Paulo state the work will be exhibited in the municipality of Osasco.


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