Issue 1

Margins of Election

12.01.2015 - 30.03.2015

Though amply discussed lately in the global art world, the idea of the margin remains a useful concept to analyze various geopolitical contexts. It guides us to understand where we speak from, and to articulate thoughts on distance or proximity, may they be physical or cultural, in a large span of situations such as art production.

Since its inception as a blog in September 2013, Terremoto magazine aims to act as a facilitator for information exchange in the field of contemporary art in the Americas, basing itself in Mexico City, and feeding on its complexity as a megalopolis.

Using the seismic image as a poetic metaphor for shaken, confrontational, but also possibly transformative times, the magazine proposes a territorial approach seeking to instigate exchanges between distinct linguistic zones of the Americas that don’t often easily dialogue, despite sharing many common cultural, historical, and social problematics.

Terremoto’s inaugural issue, Margen de elección, publishes commissioned bilingual essays and interviews that introduce the magazine’s line of inquiry. The issue examines the idea of the margin from different perspectives, thus questioning the levels of agency that occupying such a position might permit.


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