Texas, USA
is a Texas born curator and writer based in Paris since 2009. She has curated numerous exhibitions and talks since the early 2000s with artists and thinkers worldwide and is the director/convener of The World in Which We Occur, a research-based entity that explores themes concerned with artistic inquiry, philosophy of science, and ecology and its associated study group Matter in Flux. Since 2014 she has collaborated with artist/philosopher Lorenzo Cirrincione on Elusive Earths, an ongoing in situ work, process, and inquiry that looks at the elusiveness of rare clays, soils, and earths with forgotten origins. She is editor of Electric Brine (2021) published by Archive Books, Berlin and is the 2022 Senior Scholar in Residence at the University of Texas’ Casa Herrera in Antigua, Guatemala for her forthcoming title to be published by Spector Books, Leipzig, in 2023.